Article Clyph

contd. I want to be a freelance model! Skin

3:27:00 PMUnbounded By Words Photography

 I want to be a freelance model! (Skin) contd.

    Continuing with the body, your skin can make or break you. As a freelance model you are more likely to run into photographers that do not use Photoshop. So you have to always be prepared. Learn to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells and exposing a more radiant healthy skin. There are commercial products you can buy, or you can go the DIY (Do it yourself) route. One technique I know of and use, involves using baking soda. You will pour baking soda on the palm of your hands and apply enough water to create a paste, and then you will massage it on your face in a circular motion. It will feel like glass but you will eventually get accustom to it. You do not have to massage hard to get it to work, be gentle. 

   The best time to exfoliate is after a hot shower, that way your pores are open. Do not wash your face with bar soap. After you have exfoliated your face, apply moisturizer. It is very important you add moisturizer after you exfoliate. When you exfoliate it will leave your skin dry, adding moisturizer is a great way to keep your skin hydrated. One DIY alternative to buying commercial product is olive oil. Your skin absorbs or “eats” what you apply on it, which makes Olive oil a great alternative. It is not as greasy as you may think; however do not apply it before a shoot or it will come off shiny in the pictures.

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                     Intro- I want to be a freelance model!                   

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